
Support Services

Our support staff will keep you running 24/7.

Simple and effective solutions

Whatever your support needs are. Our team of support experts will ensure you can keep focusing on what is important. Running your business.

When disaster strikes you can rest easy knowing that we have you covered.

We offer a range of support services that can be custom tailored to meet your requirements. 

All of our services are Al la Carte so you only pay for what you need.

Service Desk

Our standard break fix service. ensure you and your staff are prepared with our award winning support team. 

Hardware Repair

We provide servicing and limited warranty for devices purchased through our store.

Desktop / Server Support

We provide support for all virtual and physical Servers / Desktops with patching and maintenance.

Business Recovery

When disaster strikes ensure that you are business ready as fast as possible with our recovery service.

More Features

We offer a range of features that ensure you get the most out of our service.


Dedicated Account Manager

Detailed Billing

Award winning Support

Our support Centers are located throughout Australia and New Zealand and operate 24 hours a day 365 days a year



New Zealand

New Plymouth

Support App

We make it easier to get support straight from your device. so you and your staff are just one click away from our support team.

Ticketing Portal

Monitor your teams support requests in real time from our support portal.

Support Cap

If you are worried about cost overruns, we offer the ability to set a limit on how many requests your team can raise per month.

Let's Start Something new
Say Hello!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” So let's begin our journey together.